take the mickey


take the mickey

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Englannin sanakirja

take the mickey englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To ridicule or mock.

  2. Are you 'takin' the mickey'? Youll get yer 'ead bashed in.''

  3. 2008, w:The Age|The Age newspaper, http://www.theage.com.au/news/entertainment/arts/whos-laughing-now/2008/11/13/1226318837470.html?page=fullpagecontentSwap1 Whos laughing now?'', by Kenneth Nguyen

  4. For the last eight years, taking the mickey out of George Bush has been great, victimless fun. like taking candy from a baby|Like taking candy from babies or like shooting fish in a barrel|shooting aquatically-challenged fish in size-challenged barrels.
